2 - Aigua


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1. Card 2. L'Almoina: Clue: In the museum beneath the square you’ll travel to the imperial Valentia, the first Roman city, the episcopal Visigoth capital and the Islamic fortress.

2. Card 4. Banys de l'Almirall / The Admiral’s Baths: Clue: It is one of the few examples of Islamic architecture in the city. Built in the 13th century in the quarter of Xerea.

3. Card 3. L'Almodí: Clue: Its name in Arabic means barn of wheat. That is how it was used in the medieval era.

4. Card 1. Catedral: Clue: It has three entrance doors, one Romanesque, one Gothic and one baroque, which explain the development of the old part of the city.

5. Card 6. Torres de Serrans / The Serrans Towers: Clue: One of the two doors of the old wall. Its name refers to the exit to the serrania(the mountains)

6. Card 5. Palau de la Generalitat: Clue: This palace was built as the seat of government of the kingdom of Valencia more than 500 years ago.

7. Card 8. Marquès de Dosaigües / Palace of the Marquis of Dosaigües: Clue: It is famous for its façade, a mixture of Baroque and Rococo. It contains the ceramics museum.

8. Card 7. Plaça Redona / The Round Square: Clue: Very close to the bell tower of St. Catherine, you will find a circular shopping area where you can buy crafts: pottery and lace.

9. Card 10. Llotja de la Seda / Silk Market: Clue: It was built by the bourgeoise in the 15th century. It is the best Valencian Gothic civil building.

10. Card 9. Octubre CCC / Contemporary Culture Centre: Clue: Building of the old shop El Siglo, currently headquarters of institutions such as Acció Cultural, the magazine El Temps and the bookshop Fan Set.

11. Card 11. Ajuntament de València / Town Hall: Clue: From its main balcony, the authorities contemplate the mascletà (firecrackers display) in the festival of Falles.

12. Card 12. Estació del Nord / North Station: Clue: Its paradox is being called " north" when it is built in the south. The reason: it was built by the Northern Railroads company.