3 - Terra


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1. Card 1. Catedral: Clue: It has three entrance doors, one Romanesque, one Gothic and one baroque, which explain the development of the old part of the city.

2. Card 2. L'Almoina: Clue: In the museum beneath the square you’ll travel to the imperial Valentia, the first Roman city, the episcopal Visigoth capital and the Islamic fortress.

3. Card 3. L'Almodí: Clue: Its name in Arabic means barn of wheat. That is how it was used in the medieval era.

4. Card 4. Banys de l'Almirall / The Admiral’s Baths: Clue: It is one of the few examples of Islamic architecture in the city. Built in the 13th century in the quarter of Xerea.

5. Card 5. Palau de la Generalitat: Clue: This palace was built as the seat of government of the kingdom of Valencia more than 500 years ago.

6. Card 6. Torres de Serrans / The Serrans Towers: Clue: One of the two doors of the old wall. Its name refers to the exit to the serrania(the mountains)

7. Card 7. Plaça Redona / The Round Square: Clue: Very close to the bell tower of St. Catherine, you will find a circular shopping area where you can buy crafts: pottery and lace.

8. Card 8. Marquès de Dosaigües / Palace of the Marquis of Dosaigües: Clue: It is famous for its façade, a mixture of Baroque and Rococo. It contains the ceramics museum.

9. Card 9. Octubre CCC / Contemporary Culture Centre: Clue: Building of the old shop El Siglo, currently headquarters of institutions such as Acció Cultural, the magazine El Temps and the bookshop Fan Set.

10. Card 10. Llotja de la Seda / Silk Market: Clue: It was built by the bourgeoise in the 15th century. It is the best Valencian Gothic civil building.

11. Card 11. Ajuntament de València / Town Hall: Clue: From its main balcony, the authorities contemplate the mascletà (firecrackers display) in the festival of Falles.

12. Card 12. Estació del Nord / North Station: Clue: Its paradox is being called " north" when it is built in the south. The reason: it was built by the Northern Railroads company.